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Are Vaccinations Necessary For Pets?
Dr. Karen Becker has produced a brilliant video explaining what the science says about how often we should vaccinate our...
Hair Analysis for people and animals
A DIFFERENT WAY TO TESTMeet the man behind a unique and accurate testing method...Local Melbourne legend Ross Wilson has been...
Dog & Cat Teeth Cleaning Without Anaesthesia
It has been well documented that keeping your dog or cat’s teeth cleaned has huge health befits.Periodontal disease has been...
15 Tips To Improve Your Dog's Diet Today!
I would like to share with you some of the most important principles that I apply in pursuit of the...
Titre - Testing A Healthier Alternative To Annual Vaccines
When I was running the southern hemisphere's largest privately owned dog training and day care centre I was presented with...
What Is The Problem With Tap Water
Water is an essential component of all living matter and the largest single component of our bodies. Water is the...
The Augustine Approved Stance On Vegan Dog Food
Raising vegan dogs is about as heavily debated as vaccines, so we ask that you holster your weapons until you...
When Is It Time For Medication?
The last thing I would ever want to do is medicate my dogs. Ever. It's a last resort, and from...