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Augustine ApprovedAugustine Approved
Constant State Of Cleansing

Constant State Of Cleansing

Long before I knew anything about health and five years before Augustine came along I watched my dog Suzie have a heart attack in hospital. She bled out over my chest and this is something that will stay with me for life.

I remember was being devastated - it was such a strange feeling driving home with her lifeless body next to me. I have never been one for cremation and instinctively I believe we should bury our own. Digging a grave in the middle of the night to bury my best friend was soul crushing.

Where did I go wrong? She didn't deserve this. Just two days prior she had her annual checkup and shots, and the vet said she was in perfect health. Next thing I knew, Suzie was stiff-legged and started falling over on to her side.

Sure, I can now look back and speculate that it had something to do with vaccine-associated immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, or the crappy tinned food I was feeding her, the dodgy shampoos or the chemical parasiticides (or all of the above), but nothing is going to bring her back.

I'm writing this because all too often people contact me with dogs on their death beds. All of those families were trying to work out where they too went wrong.

Each time I try to help someone but we are too late it stays with me. Sometimes I go silent not because I don’t care but because there’s a guilt that goes along with failure and I need to be alone to process. No one is a number. Everyone matters. Please, if you take one thing away from this article let it be this...


While many chemicals our dogs are exposed to have been tested to be 'harmless', there is a lot to be said about accumulation. I'm not a weirdo because I only let my dogs drink Saka Water or hydrogen water - I'm awake to the fact that there are well over 100 chemicals pouring out of my kitchen tap.

Each week I receive many messages from people enquiring about the free SuperHeal recipe and mounting evidence suggests it can help with what we can only legally call lumps and bumps.

Did you know that lumps are just symptoms and warning signs of nasty things to come? I've observed that everyone wants to get rid of the lumps but not many people think about getting to their root cause. In doing so, we can reduce the risk of them not only reoccurring but also preventing them from forming in the first place.

I plead with you - you can spend money on a healthy diet and lifestyle or you can pay for it in vet bills and heartache. The quick-fix pharmaceutical mindset does nothing to get to the root of problems and our focus should be on prevention.

Feeding raw or organic just doesn't cut it anymore - there is far too much exposure to toxins that are out of our control. We need many things and among them are herbs, mushrooms and high-quality zeolite. We need to adapt and most importantly we need to be in a constant state of cleansing.

There are many ways to cleanse the body an if you don't do it the Augustine Approved way that's totally fine but please do something! Speak to your local naturopathic vet. Research.

If “x” amount of toxins go in every day we need to do what we can to take as much of “x” out.

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